Mint Hill, NC is the home of Honor the Warriors. The community and the city have supported us in every way possible. To honor that support HTW operates a weekly Community bike ride every Wednesday evening. From April thru November. We meet in the Harris Teeter parking lot on Matthews Mint Hill Rd and depart at 6:30pm. The ride runs about 1 hour and utilizes lightly traveled roads through neighborhoods across the area. The ride ends right where we started and often adjourns to a local eatery for snacks and more conversation. This is a great way to meet new friends and get a little exercise while you are at it. All you need is a bike, a helmet and a good attitude. Come and join us.
If your bike needs a little work, contact us here on this site or at [email protected] and we will have a look. If a tune-up is all that is needed, we can do that easily and for free. If it needs parts we can tell you what to buy and we can put it together, still at no charge to you. This is a service we do to pay-back our community.